My real opinion

Hi, today I speak about 5 different topic important in the country and world.

1)The women in the military

The entry the women in the military is the best avance for the women, demonstrate that the women is very strong and that the activity not is especially for man.

2) Cellular phones

I think that are necessary in the actuality, but permit the communication with the family that live in different country or far. Also permit the information about important notice, where can have a relative get involved.

3) The Chilean politicians

This topic is very complicate, because exist in the Chilean politicians: good people and bad people, the good people is little and that the Chileans don´t see.
Also have a division in Chile, where be the poor class and the rich class, this exist for the Chilean Politicians.

4) Fortune telling

I believe in the persons that prediction the future, because my experience demonstrate this, exist in my life different cases where can demonstrate, in especially whit my family.
the prediction of the future is a talent that not all acquire, this talent is born.

5) The cloning

I think that, and have person that also,the cloning in animal is good, for purpose the commercialization and the progress of the genetic.
BUT the cloning in human is very bad, because can start a war for the obsession of the power.


  1. I thing there are lazy and rich politicians , but there are exceptions, my opinion is similar to yours.

  2. I agree with you, the cloning it's a advanced technique so important for the human. But maybe I think could be a goodness for us for example for treat illness 🌎💭


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