I would like go to China


I would like to visit China, because I am interested with the culture and the futuristic in this country, also I love their nature and the their temple with much history and mysterious about gods. I am  interesting for their contrast between the past and the future. I like go with my family and my friends.

Resultado de imagen para china contraste futuro y pasadoResultado de imagen para shangai contraste futuro y pasado

If I go to China the first thing is know the different places famous, for example the china wall, the garden, the temple, the places futuristic. The second thing that I will make is eat different food and drink, but I don't eat raw food. and the third thing is go to shopping, I will buy old things and new things. also I will make is visit a man that he make rituals of stress, relaxation, etc.

Resultado de imagen para china templo del cielo
Maybe I go to study to China, but my first preference is Australia, but if I have the opportunity of studying there, I go. I like go to study with my friends, and know all this beautiful country.

Resultado de imagen para china universidades


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